BT60 1TH | Normal (geographic) postcodes | Large user postcodes |
The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.
Latitude: 54.3056 / 54°18'20"N
Longitude: -6.5017 / 6°30'6"W
UTM Reference: 29U 662544 6020408
OS Easting: 297579
OS Northing: 340687
OS Grid: SH975406
Mapcode Local: IRL RY.H77Q
Mapcode Global: GBR BKBB.8PY
Open Location Code: 9C6M8F4X+78
Maidenhead Locator System: IO64rh93
Urban/Rural Indicator:
ONS Population Classification: 1b1
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): 310 / 890
Demographics are based on the LSOA containing this postcode and not necessarily this postcode alone
Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) | 06:08 |
Nautical twilight begins (First light) | 06:49 |
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) | 07:32 |
Sunrise | 08:11 |
Transit (sun is at its highest) | 12:39 |
Sunset | 17:08 |
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) | 17:46 |
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) | 18:29 |
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) | 19:11 |
Hours of daylight today | 07:41 to 17:38 |
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time) | 17:38 to 07:39 |
Moon Phase | Waxing Crescent |
Moon Rises | 09:39 |
Moon sets | 22:38 |
For a full sun and moon calendar for BT60 1TH, go to The Time and Place
Newry and Armagh
Dáire Hughes Sinn Féin
Elected representative data is updated approximately monthly, so may not include recent by-elections or vacancies.
Code | Name | Data Type | Data Theme | Active Since | Data Owner |
N05000011 | Newry and Armagh | Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies | Electoral | 4 July 2024 | BCNI |
N08000219 | Hamiltonsbawn | Electoral Wards | Administrative/Electoral | 1 April 2015 | NISRA |
N09000002 | Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon | Local Government Districts | Administrative | 1 April 2015 | NISRA |
N12000005 | Craigavon | Travel to Work Areas | Other | 31 July 2015 | ONS |
N19000127 | Workplace Zones | Census | 31 December 2011 | NISRA | |
N20000691 | Cusher_G4 | Data Zones | Census | 21 March 2021 | NISRA |
N21000156 | Cusher_G | Super Data Zones | Census | 21 March 2021 | NISRA |
N92000002 | Northern Ireland | Country | Administrative | 1 January 2009 | ONS |