DD4 8TE | Normal (geographic) postcodes | Large user postcodes |
The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.
Unnamed road - 29 properties, USRN 7801732
Unnamed road - 1 property, USRN 7801731
Unnamed road - 1 property, USRN 7803530
Street names are those nearest to properties in this postcode, they are not necessarily the postal address
Latitude: 56.478 / 56°28'40"N
Longitude: -2.8958 / 2°53'44"W
UTM Reference: 30V 506420 6259289
OS Easting: 344922
OS Northing: 732127
OS Grid: NO449321
Mapcode Local: GBR VM.GWWC
Mapcode Global: WH7RC.HF8Q
Open Location Code: 9C8VF4H3+6M
Maidenhead Locator System: IO86nl24
Urban/Rural Indicator: 1
ONS Population Classification: 7c2
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): 1208 / 6976
Demographics are based on the LSOA containing this postcode and not necessarily this postcode alone
Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) | 05:54 |
Nautical twilight begins (First light) | 06:38 |
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) | 07:24 |
Sunrise | 08:05 |
Transit (sun is at its highest) | 12:25 |
Sunset | 16:45 |
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) | 17:26 |
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) | 18:11 |
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) | 18:55 |
Hours of daylight today | 07:35 to 17:15 |
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time) | 17:15 to 07:33 |
Moon Phase | Waxing Crescent |
Moon Rises | 09:24 |
Moon sets | 22:32 |
For a full sun and moon calendar for DD4 8TE, go to The Time and Place
Arbroath and Broughty Ferry
Stephen Gethins Scottish National Party
Dundee City East
Shona Robison Scottish National Party
North East Scotland
Maggie Chapman Green
Maurice Golden Conservative
Liam Kerr Conservative
Douglas Lumsden Conservative
Michael Marra Labour
Mercedes Villalba Labour
Tess White Conservative
East End
Will Dawson Scottish National Party (SNP)
Dorothy McHugh Labour
Christina Roberts Scottish National Party (SNP)
Elected representative data is updated approximately monthly, so may not include recent by-elections or vacancies.
Code | Name | Data Type | Data Theme | Active Since | Data Owner |
S00009419 | Output Areas | Statistical Building Block | 13 February 2003 | ||
S00099177 | Output Areas | Statistical Building Block | 27 March 2011 | ||
S00147837 | Output Areas | Statistical Building Block | 21 May 2024 | ||
S01001202 | Data Zones | Statistical Building Block | 1 February 2004 | ||
S01007756 | Douglas East - 04 | Data Zones | Statistical Building Block | 6 November 2014 | |
S02000218 | Douglas East | Intermediate Zones | Statistical Building Block | 1 February 2005 | |
S02001457 | Douglas East | Intermediate Zones | Statistical Building Block | 6 November 2014 | |
S03000039 | Dundee Community Health Partnership | Community Health Partnerships | Health | 11 June 2004 | |
S08000030 | Tayside | Health Board Areas | Health | 2 February 2018 | |
S09000005 | Tayside | Scottish Enterprise Regions | Economic | 26 September 2007 | |
S12000042 | Dundee City | Council Areas | Administrative | 1 April 2010 | |
S13002551 | East End | Electoral Wards | Electoral | 14 July 2006 | |
S14000066 | Arbroath and Broughty Ferry | United Kingdom Parliamentary Constituencies | Electoral | ||
S15000001 | Scotland | European Electoral Regions | Electoral | 1 May 1999 | |
S16000098 | Dundee City East | Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies | Electoral | 11 November 2010 | |
S17000014 | North East Scotland | Scottish Parliamentary Regions | Electoral | 11 November 2010 | |
S22000056 | Dundee | Travel to Work Areas | Other | 19 August 2015 | |
S23000009 | Scotland | Police Force Areas | Crime and Justice | 1 April 2013 | |
S30000049 | Dundee City | Local Administrative Units 1 | Administrative | 1 April 2010 | |
S34004484 | S34004484 | Workplace Zones | Other | 14 September 2016 | |
S45000283 | Dundee | Built Up Areas | Other | 7 December 2022 | |
S92000003 | Scotland | Country | Administrative | 1 January 2009 |