The UK Postcode Database

G84 0JY

a postcode in Kilcreggan, Argyll and Bute

Introduced in January 1980
G84 0JY Normal (geographic) postcodes Large user postcodes

The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.

Streets Associated with G84 0JY

Unnamed road - 15 properties, USRN 1001297

Street names are those nearest to properties in this postcode, they are not necessarily the postal address


Latitude: 55.9862 / 55°59'10"N

Longitude: -4.8259 / 4°49'33"W

UTM Reference: 30U 386088 6206046

OS Easting: 223811

OS Northing: 680628

OS Grid: NS238806

Location Encoding

Mapcode Local: GBR 09.VV4C

Mapcode Global: WH2M2.VS4S

Open Location Code: 9C7QX5PF+FJ

Maidenhead Locator System: IO75ox06


Urban/Rural Indicator: 7

  • remote rural area
  • a village with a drive time of 30 to 60 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more

ONS Population Classification: 6a3

  • Suburbanites
  • Suburban Achievers
  • Detached Retirement Living

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): 4575 / 6976

  • 7th decile
  • somewhat less deprived

Demographics are based on the LSOA containing this postcode and not necessarily this postcode alone

Sun and Moon Times for G84 0JY on Sunday 29 December 2024

Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) 06:29
Nautical twilight begins (First light) 07:14
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) 08:03
Sunrise 08:50
Transit (sun is at its highest) 12:21
Sunset 15:52
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) 16:39
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) 17:28
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) 18:13
Hours of daylight today08:20 to 16:22
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time)
16:22 to 08:20
Moon Phase Waning Crescent
Moon Rises 08:23
Moon sets 13:34

For a full sun and moon calendar for G84 0JY, go to The Time and Place

Elected Representatives for G84 0JY

United Kingdom Parliament

Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber


Brendan O'Hara Scottish National Party

Scottish Parliament



Jackie Baillie Labour


West Scotland


Neil Bibby Labour

Baroness Katy Clark Labour

Russell Findlay Conservative

Pam Gosal Conservative

Jamie Greene Conservative

Ross Greer Green

Paul O'Kane Labour

Argyll and Bute Council
Unitary Authority ward (UTW)

Lomond North


Maurice Corry Conservative

Mark Irvine Independent

Shonny Iain Paterson Scottish National Party (SNP)

Elected representative data is updated approximately monthly, so may not include recent by-elections or vacancies.

Government Statistical Services (GSS) data for G84 0JY

CodeNameData TypeData ThemeActive SinceData Owner
S00004899 Output Areas Statistical Building Block 13 February 2003
S00094350 Output Areas Statistical Building Block 27 March 2011
S00140852 Output Areas Statistical Building Block 21 May 2024
S01000761 Data Zones Statistical Building Block 1 February 2004
S01007373 Garelochhead - 01 Data Zones Statistical Building Block 6 November 2014
S02000143 Garelochhead Intermediate Zones Statistical Building Block 1 February 2005
S02001387 Garelochhead Intermediate Zones Statistical Building Block 6 November 2014
S03000025 Argyll and Bute Community Health Partnership Community Health Partnerships Health 11 June 2004
S08000022 Highland Health Board Areas Health 1 April 2014
S09000006 West of Scotland Scottish Enterprise Regions Economic 26 September 2007
S12000035 Argyll and Bute Council Areas Administrative 1 June 2002
S13002524 Lomond North Electoral Wards Electoral 14 July 2006
S14000067 Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber United Kingdom Parliamentary Constituencies Electoral
S15000001 Scotland European Electoral Regions Electoral 1 May 1999
S16000096 Dumbarton Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies Electoral 11 November 2010
S17000018 West Scotland Scottish Parliamentary Regions Electoral 5 March 2014
S22000054 Dumbarton and Helensburgh Travel to Work Areas Other 19 August 2015
S23000009 Scotland Police Force Areas Crime and Justice 1 April 2013
S30000013 Helensburgh and Lomond Local Administrative Units 1 Administrative 1 January 2008
S34003467 S34003467 Workplace Zones Other 14 September 2016
S45000444 Kilcreggan Built Up Areas Other 7 December 2022
S92000003 Scotland Country Administrative 1 January 2009

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

The UK Postcode Database is a Good Stuff website.

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