The UK Postcode Database


a postcode on Guernsey

Introduced in May 1994
GY6 8ED Normal (geographic) postcodes Large user postcodes

The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.


Latitude: 49.4857 / 49°29'8"N

Longitude: -2.5632 / 2°33'47"W

UTM Reference: 30U 531637 5481543

OS Easting: 359302*

OS Northing: -45937*

OS Grid: S^593540*

* Pseudo value - the Channel Islands are outside the OS Grid boundaries

Location Encoding

Mapcode Local: GGY GJ.7X

Mapcode Global: GBR NZ11.6GW

Open Location Code: 8CXVFCPP+7P

Maidenhead Locator System: IN89rl26

Sun and Moon Times for GY6 8ED on Saturday 28 December 2024

Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) 06:08
Nautical twilight begins (First light) 06:47
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) 07:28
Sunrise 08:06
Transit (sun is at its highest) 12:12
Sunset 16:17
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) 16:55
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) 17:36
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) 18:15
Hours of daylight today07:36 to 16:47
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time)
16:47 to 07:36
Moon Phase Waning Crescent
Moon Rises 06:07
Moon sets 13:41

For a full sun and moon calendar for GY6 8ED, go to The Time and Place

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

The UK Postcode Database is a Good Stuff website.

Page generated in 0.47 seconds. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:38:21 +0000. Cretaceous Aardvark.