The UK Postcode Database

YO10 3FT

a postcode in York

Introduced in October 2017
YO10 3FT Normal (geographic) postcodes Large user postcodes

The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.

Streets Associated with YO10 3FT

Lawrence Street - 553 properties, USRN 45801549

Street names are those nearest to properties in this postcode, they are not necessarily the postal address


Latitude: 53.9539 / 53°57'14"N

Longitude: -1.0652 / 1°3'54"W

UTM Reference: 30U 626958 5980129

OS Easting: 461443

OS Northing: 451273

OS Grid: SE614512

Location Encoding

Mapcode Local: GBR PQ0Q.5C

Mapcode Global: WHFC3.LWZ7

Open Location Code: 9C5WXW3M+HW

Maidenhead Locator System: IO93lw28


Urban/Rural Indicator: C1

  • urban city or town
  • a town or city, surrounded by populated countryside

ONS Population Classification: 2a3

  • Cosmopolitans
  • Students Around Campus
  • Students and Professionals

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): 20226 / 32844

  • 7th decile
  • somewhat less deprived

Demographics are based on the LSOA containing this postcode and not necessarily this postcode alone

Sun and Moon Times for YO10 3FT on Sunday 16 March 2025

Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) 04:15
Nautical twilight begins (First light) 04:58
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) 05:40
Sunrise 06:15
Transit (sun is at its highest) 12:12
Sunset 18:10
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) 18:45
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) 19:26
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) 20:09
Hours of daylight today05:45 to 18:40
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time)
18:40 to 05:42
Moon Phase Waning Gibbous
Moon Sets 06:46
Moon Rises 21:09

For a full sun and moon calendar for YO10 3FT, go to The Time and Place

Residential Property Sales in YO10 3FT

DateAddressProperty TypeTenurePrice
12 October 2022 Apartment 5, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £135,221
31 August 2022 Apartment 32, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £232,000
5 April 2022 Apartment 43, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,837
5 April 2022 Apartment 43, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,098
22 November 2021 Apartment 13, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £653,835
19 November 2021 Apartment 4, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £102,692
5 February 2021 Apartment 3, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,500
8 January 2021 Apartment 47, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,164
11 December 2020 Apartment 17, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £131,732
23 September 2020 Apartment 8, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £110,000
6 July 2020 Apartment 36, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £150,000
22 May 2020 Apartment 27, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £128,483
17 April 2020 Apartment 6, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £166,941
6 March 2020 Apartment 27, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £151,138
14 January 2020 Apartment 45, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £121,651
13 December 2019 Apartment 21, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £161,079
15 November 2019 Apartment 41, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £121,597
28 October 2019 Apartment 21, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,830
25 October 2019 Apartment 18, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £151,810
19 July 2019 Apartment 29, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £146,250
26 June 2019 Apartment 28, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £133,595
20 June 2019 Apartment 41, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £136,240
21 May 2019 Apartment 5, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,000
17 May 2019 Apartment 16, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £185,000
18 April 2019 Apartment 55, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £146,900
8 April 2019 Apartment 18, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £146,827
20 February 2019 Apartment 23, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,101
25 January 2019 Apartment 31, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £158,252
7 January 2019 Apartment 2, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £126,017
21 December 2018 Apartment 5, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £130,584
19 December 2018 Apartment 1, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £122,556
14 December 2018 Apartment 10, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £137,542
30 November 2018 Apartment 21, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £138,949
27 November 2018 Apartment 51, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £124,207
23 November 2018 Apartment 9, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £129,464
26 October 2018 Apartment 36, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £153,367
8 October 2018 Apartment 52, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £126,081
26 September 2018 Apartment 4, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £136,931
21 August 2018 Apartment 1, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,854
14 July 2018 Apartment 26, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £151,542
13 July 2018 Apartment 43, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £148,976
29 June 2018 Apartment 30, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,132
29 June 2018 Apartment 5, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £135,862
13 June 2018 Apartment 42, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £139,931
8 June 2018 Apartment 29, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £137,788
9 May 2018 Apartment 43, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £141,107
7 March 2018 Apartment 27, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,900
23 February 2018 Apartment 18, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £134,706
6 February 2018 Apartment 49, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £145,243
9 January 2018 Apartment 11, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £127,720
19 December 2017 Apartment 36, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,967
15 December 2017 Apartment 8, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £168,244
15 December 2017 Apartment 20, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £144,524
1 December 2017 Apartment 19, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,274
22 November 2017 Apartment 26, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,000
21 November 2017 Apartment 31, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £141,932
8 November 2017 Apartment 25, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £134,188
12 October 2017 Apartment 12, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £138,989
28 September 2017 Apartment 30, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £125,464
25 September 2017 Apartment 4, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,103
15 September 2017 Apartment 16, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £148,917
15 September 2017 Apartment 6, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £107,073
13 September 2017 Apartment 5, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,103
11 September 2017 Apartment 1, The Library, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £224,829
11 September 2017 Apartment 39, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,976
11 September 2017 Apartment 5, The Library, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £150,928
11 September 2017 Apartment 13, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £135,170
11 September 2017 Apartment 17, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,866
11 September 2017 Apartment 21, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £135,170
11 September 2017 Apartment 2, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,239
11 September 2017 Apartment 38, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,289
11 September 2017 Apartment 41, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,560
11 September 2017 Apartment 3, The Library, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £142,397
11 September 2017 Apartment 4, The Library, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £155,596
11 September 2017 Apartment 2, The Library, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £146,934
8 September 2017 Apartment 10, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,493
8 September 2017 Apartment 11, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,217
8 September 2017 Apartment 26, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £123,704
8 September 2017 Apartment 18, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,063
8 September 2017 Apartment 46, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,063
8 September 2017 Apartment 47, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,062
8 September 2017 Apartment 19, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,063
8 September 2017 Apartment 22, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,917
8 September 2017 Apartment 23, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,916
8 September 2017 Apartment 24, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,916
8 September 2017 Apartment 7, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,442
8 September 2017 Apartment 28, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,774
8 September 2017 Apartment 27, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,630
8 September 2017 Apartment 30, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,087
8 September 2017 Apartment 29, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,666
8 September 2017 Apartment 12, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £135,170
8 September 2017 Apartment 1, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,058
8 September 2017 Apartment 3, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,103
8 September 2017 Apartment 31, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,253
8 September 2017 Apartment 37, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,289
8 September 2017 Apartment 20, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,751
8 September 2017 Apartment 40, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,289
8 September 2017 Apartment 6, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,730
8 September 2017 Apartment 9, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,217
8 September 2017 Apartment 15, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,093
8 September 2017 Apartment 43, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,866
8 September 2017 Apartment 45, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,253
8 September 2017 Apartment 48, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,665
8 September 2017 Apartment 49, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,774
8 September 2017 Apartment 14, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,217
8 September 2017 Apartment 34, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,629
8 September 2017 Apartment 42, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,438
8 September 2017 Apartment 33, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,253
8 September 2017 Apartment 8, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £144,799
8 September 2017 Apartment 25, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,649
8 September 2017 Apartment 35, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,629
8 September 2017 Apartment 32, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,254
8 September 2017 Apartment 44, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,141
8 September 2017 Apartment 16, Collentines House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,253
7 September 2017 Apartment 36, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,632
1 September 2017 Apartment 4, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,980
30 August 2017 Apartment 51, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,733
30 August 2017 Apartment 4, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £104,931
29 August 2017 Apartment 13, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,927
29 August 2017 Apartment 17, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,903
28 August 2017 Apartment 5, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £95,882
25 August 2017 Apartment 16, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,793
24 August 2017 Apartment 10, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,586
24 August 2017 Apartment 22, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,253
24 August 2017 Apartment 23, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,491
24 August 2017 Apartment 24, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,178
23 August 2017 Apartment 21, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,088
23 August 2017 Apartment 18, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £118,230
23 August 2017 Apartment 1, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,734
23 August 2017 Apartment 5, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,177
23 August 2017 Apartment 2, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,068
23 August 2017 Apartment 3, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,405
23 August 2017 Apartment 7, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,554
23 August 2017 Apartment 8, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,554
23 August 2017 Apartment 9, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,734
23 August 2017 Apartment 12, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £135,890
23 August 2017 Apartment 14, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,230
23 August 2017 Apartment 15, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £125,028
23 August 2017 Apartment 19, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,589
23 August 2017 Apartment 20, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,590
23 August 2017 Apartment 26, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,907
23 August 2017 Apartment 27, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,651
23 August 2017 Apartment 28, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,907
23 August 2017 Apartment 29, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,435
23 August 2017 Apartment 32, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,253
23 August 2017 Apartment 11, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £155,475
23 August 2017 Apartment 31, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,529
23 August 2017 Apartment 25, Everingham House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £125,930
22 August 2017 Apartment 21, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,750
22 August 2017 Apartment 39, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £138,169
22 August 2017 Apartment 4, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,002
22 August 2017 Apartment 5, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,002
22 August 2017 Apartment 35, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,000
21 August 2017 Apartment 4, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,462
18 August 2017 Apartment 47, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,745
18 August 2017 Apartment 15, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,915
16 August 2017 Apartment 53, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,475
16 August 2017 Apartment 44, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,684
16 August 2017 Apartment 63, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,821
15 August 2017 Apartment 43, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,500
15 August 2017 Apartment 14, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,002
11 August 2017 Apartment 11, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,651
11 August 2017 Apartment 43, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £123,380
11 August 2017 Apartment 26, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £138,003
11 August 2017 Apartment 10, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,690
11 August 2017 Apartment 48, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £107,670
11 August 2017 Apartment 31, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £151,219
11 August 2017 Apartment 26, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,750
10 August 2017 Apartment 16, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £128,160
10 August 2017 Apartment 22, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,305
10 August 2017 Apartment 36, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,216
9 August 2017 Apartment 55, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,470
9 August 2017 Apartment 58, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,470
9 August 2017 Apartment 16, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £183,146
9 August 2017 Apartment 20, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,781
9 August 2017 Apartment 2, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £126,024
9 August 2017 Apartment 13, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,712
9 August 2017 Apartment 60, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,544
9 August 2017 Apartment 31, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,108
9 August 2017 Apartment 18, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,077
9 August 2017 Apartment 19, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,546
9 August 2017 Apartment 23, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £137,497
8 August 2017 Apartment 7, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,184
8 August 2017 Apartment 20, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £125,576
8 August 2017 Apartment 27, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £122,126
8 August 2017 Apartment 1, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 62, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 3, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,195
8 August 2017 Apartment 8, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,168
8 August 2017 Apartment 47, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,127
8 August 2017 Apartment 12, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,699
8 August 2017 Apartment 15, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,489
8 August 2017 Apartment 66, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,418
8 August 2017 Apartment 68, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,405
8 August 2017 Apartment 69, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,356
8 August 2017 Apartment 35, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,385
8 August 2017 Apartment 57, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,603
8 August 2017 Apartment 28, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,986
8 August 2017 Apartment 45, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £140,032
8 August 2017 Apartment 1, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,280
8 August 2017 Apartment 6, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,742
8 August 2017 Apartment 8, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,770
8 August 2017 Apartment 9, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,793
8 August 2017 Apartment 10, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,508
8 August 2017 Apartment 11, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,519
8 August 2017 Apartment 12, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,741
8 August 2017 Apartment 13, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,280
8 August 2017 Apartment 14, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,280
8 August 2017 Apartment 15, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,849
8 August 2017 Apartment 16, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,554
8 August 2017 Apartment 18, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,702
8 August 2017 Apartment 19, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,765
8 August 2017 Apartment 22, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,037
8 August 2017 Apartment 28, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,783
8 August 2017 Apartment 29, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,713
8 August 2017 Apartment 30, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £116,330
8 August 2017 Apartment 32, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,823
8 August 2017 Apartment 34, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,852
8 August 2017 Apartment 36, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,290
8 August 2017 Apartment 50, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,823
8 August 2017 Apartment 38, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,500
8 August 2017 Apartment 51, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,216
8 August 2017 Apartment 39, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,936
8 August 2017 Apartment 52, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,703
8 August 2017 Apartment 40, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,092
8 August 2017 Apartment 53, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,075
8 August 2017 Apartment 41, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,262
8 August 2017 Apartment 54, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,762
8 August 2017 Apartment 42, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,155
8 August 2017 Apartment 56, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,823
8 August 2017 Apartment 57, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,861
8 August 2017 Apartment 44, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,030
8 August 2017 Apartment 59, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,194
8 August 2017 Apartment 45, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,140
8 August 2017 Apartment 62, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,833
8 August 2017 Apartment 49, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,216
8 August 2017 Apartment 63, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,216
8 August 2017 Apartment 46, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,989
8 August 2017 Apartment 17, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,660
8 August 2017 Apartment 24, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,094
8 August 2017 Apartment 25, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,854
8 August 2017 Apartment 2, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 3, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 6, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,564
8 August 2017 Apartment 9, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,564
8 August 2017 Apartment 7, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,002
8 August 2017 Apartment 11, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,564
8 August 2017 Apartment 13, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £107,710
8 August 2017 Apartment 18, Merchant Street, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,564
8 August 2017 Apartment 21, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £139,154
8 August 2017 Apartment 23, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,606
8 August 2017 Apartment 24, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,671
8 August 2017 Apartment 25, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,305
8 August 2017 Apartment 29, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,670
8 August 2017 Apartment 32, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,305
8 August 2017 Apartment 33, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,926
8 August 2017 Apartment 34, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £147,108
8 August 2017 Apartment 37, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,993
8 August 2017 Apartment 38, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,708
8 August 2017 Apartment 40, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,708
8 August 2017 Apartment 42, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £140,032
8 August 2017 Apartment 48, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,684
8 August 2017 Apartment 50, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,733
8 August 2017 Apartment 52, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,807
8 August 2017 Apartment 54, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,566
8 August 2017 Apartment 71, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,260
8 August 2017 Apartment 37, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £124,230
8 August 2017 Apartment 33, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £127,693
8 August 2017 Apartment 31, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £135,397
8 August 2017 Apartment 27, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £127,297
8 August 2017 Apartment 43, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £121,718
8 August 2017 Apartment 49, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £126,260
8 August 2017 Apartment 30, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £136,305
8 August 2017 Apartment 41, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £129,691
8 August 2017 Apartment 16, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £125,576
8 August 2017 Apartment 17, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,196
8 August 2017 Apartment 55, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 56, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,331
8 August 2017 Apartment 58, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,176
8 August 2017 Apartment 60, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,813
8 August 2017 Apartment 61, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,908
8 August 2017 Apartment 64, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,109
8 August 2017 Apartment 65, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,109
8 August 2017 Apartment 67, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,109
8 August 2017 Apartment 70, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,364
8 August 2017 Apartment 72, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £140,032
8 August 2017 Apartment 73, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,421
8 August 2017 Apartment 74, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,364
8 August 2017 Apartment 75, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,421
8 August 2017 Apartment 5, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,140
8 August 2017 Apartment 46, Merchant House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,735
7 August 2017 Apartment 61, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,973
3 August 2017 Apartment 32, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,075
3 August 2017 Apartment 42, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £129,302
3 August 2017 Apartment 1, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,501
3 August 2017 Apartment 14, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £136,569
3 August 2017 Apartment 50, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,214
31 July 2017 Apartment 30, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,069
28 July 2017 Apartment 27, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £142,363
28 July 2017 Apartment 34, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,074
28 July 2017 Apartment 2, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £107,273
28 July 2017 Apartment 14, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £107,273
28 July 2017 Apartment 12, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £121,498
28 July 2017 Apartment 26, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £127,557
28 July 2017 Apartment 29, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,723
28 July 2017 Apartment 33, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £102,671
28 July 2017 Apartment 35, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £101,612
28 July 2017 Apartment 37, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,751
28 July 2017 Apartment 38, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £102,579
28 July 2017 Apartment 39, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,175
28 July 2017 Apartment 40, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £122,108
28 July 2017 Apartment 45, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,028
28 July 2017 Apartment 46, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £117,627
28 July 2017 Apartment 47, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £120,503
28 July 2017 Apartment 3, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £97,982
28 July 2017 Apartment 4, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £97,882
28 July 2017 Apartment 6, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £98,068
28 July 2017 Apartment 7, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £97,981
28 July 2017 Apartment 8, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £110,149
28 July 2017 Apartment 10, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £98,068
28 July 2017 Apartment 17, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £117,051
28 July 2017 Apartment 20, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £117,051
28 July 2017 Apartment 21, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £105,003
28 July 2017 Apartment 22, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £131,129
28 July 2017 Apartment 49, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £94,948
28 July 2017 Apartment 25, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,167
28 July 2017 Apartment 36, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £108,006
28 July 2017 Apartment 16, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,256
28 July 2017 Apartment 41, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,721
28 July 2017 Apartment 48, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,423
28 July 2017 Apartment 44, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £109,359
28 July 2017 Apartment 9, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £96,159
28 July 2017 Apartment 24, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £105,453
28 July 2017 Apartment 23, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £117,051
28 July 2017 Apartment 28, Barley House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £112,167
27 July 2017 Apartment 11, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £151,335
27 July 2017 Apartment 41, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £110,626
27 July 2017 Apartment 20, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,604
27 July 2017 Apartment 21, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £123,380
27 July 2017 Apartment 48, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £133,472
27 July 2017 Apartment 27, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £120,939
27 July 2017 Apartment 28, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £116,476
27 July 2017 Apartment 29, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £127,981
27 July 2017 Apartment 30, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £116,477
27 July 2017 Apartment 31, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £140,544
27 July 2017 Apartment 32, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,122
27 July 2017 Apartment 1, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £107,273
27 July 2017 Apartment 33, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,121
27 July 2017 Apartment 3, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,030
27 July 2017 Apartment 6, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £111,874
27 July 2017 Apartment 7, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £111,875
27 July 2017 Apartment 8, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,751
27 July 2017 Apartment 9, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £114,751
27 July 2017 Apartment 10, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £139,763
27 July 2017 Apartment 34, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £129,593
27 July 2017 Apartment 35, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £144,243
27 July 2017 Apartment 13, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £112,167
27 July 2017 Apartment 15, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £112,092
27 July 2017 Apartment 37, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,122
27 July 2017 Apartment 38, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,205
27 July 2017 Apartment 17, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £121,198
27 July 2017 Apartment 40, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £119,707
27 July 2017 Apartment 18, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £130,857
27 July 2017 Apartment 19, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £141,958
27 July 2017 Apartment 42, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £122,122
27 July 2017 Apartment 44, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,080
27 July 2017 Apartment 22, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £123,955
27 July 2017 Apartment 49, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,884
27 July 2017 Apartment 23, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £150,769
27 July 2017 Apartment 26, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,605
27 July 2017 Apartment 52, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £125,298
27 July 2017 Apartment 53, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £148,782
27 July 2017 Apartment 45, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £106,079
27 July 2017 Apartment 24, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £137,715
27 July 2017 Apartment 25, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,737
27 July 2017 Apartment 5, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,721
27 July 2017 Apartment 2, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £145,800
27 July 2017 Apartment 2, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,580
27 July 2017 Apartment 39, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,683
27 July 2017 Apartment 43, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,945
27 July 2017 Apartment 47, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,489
27 July 2017 Apartment 46, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,489
27 July 2017 Apartment 51, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £125,297
27 July 2017 Apartment 12, Kiplin House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,568
18 July 2017 Apartment 17, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £115,971
14 July 2017 Apartment 1, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £155,029
14 July 2017 Apartment 7, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £146,892
14 July 2017 Apartment 10, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £158,516
14 July 2017 Apartment 21, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £143,406
14 July 2017 Apartment 15, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £154,448
14 July 2017 Apartment 22, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £124,652
14 July 2017 Apartment 11, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £160,841
14 July 2017 Apartment 6, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £146,892
13 July 2017 Apartment 13, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £135,382
13 July 2017 Apartment 24, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,357
13 July 2017 Apartment 19, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £116,900
13 July 2017 Apartment 4, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £109,095
13 July 2017 Apartment 3, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £109,095
12 July 2017 Apartment 29, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £118,164
12 July 2017 Apartment 18, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £132,873
12 July 2017 Apartment 5, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £110,888
12 July 2017 Apartment 14, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £118,831
12 July 2017 Apartment 20, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £178,875
12 July 2017 Apartment 27, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £131,725
12 July 2017 Apartment 12, Cherry House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,507
12 June 2017 Apartment 30, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,820
8 June 2017 Apartment 47, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,532
7 June 2017 Apartment 50, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,656
7 June 2017 Apartment 39, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,118
6 June 2017 Apartment 28, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £128,332
6 June 2017 Apartment 42, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £125,505
6 June 2017 Apartment 43, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £140,837
6 June 2017 Apartment 41, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,312
6 June 2017 Apartment 4, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,245
6 June 2017 Apartment 34, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,213
6 June 2017 Apartment 32, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,965
6 June 2017 Apartment 44, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,926
6 June 2017 Apartment 46, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,617
6 June 2017 Apartment 11, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,798
2 June 2017 Apartment 53, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £124,123
2 June 2017 Apartment 52, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,252
2 June 2017 Apartment 48, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £109,965
2 June 2017 Apartment 15, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,987
2 June 2017 Apartment 1, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,607
2 June 2017 Apartment 8, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,381
2 June 2017 Apartment 13, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,608
2 June 2017 Apartment 23, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,907
2 June 2017 Apartment 29, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,886
2 June 2017 Apartment 35, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,885
2 June 2017 Apartment 36, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,563
1 June 2017 Apartment 45, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £119,525
1 June 2017 Apartment 20, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,874
1 June 2017 Apartment 3, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,607
1 June 2017 Apartment 27, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,907
1 June 2017 Apartment 37, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,848
1 June 2017 Apartment 38, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,187
1 June 2017 Apartment 40, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,848
1 June 2017 Apartment 51, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £141,956
1 June 2017 Apartment 49, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £122,610
1 June 2017 Apartment 54, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,136
1 June 2017 Apartment 17, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,491
1 June 2017 Apartment 19, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £135,597
1 June 2017 Apartment 21, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £121,285
1 June 2017 Apartment 16, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £123,874
1 June 2017 Apartment 18, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £146,043
1 June 2017 Apartment 22, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £129,016
1 June 2017 Apartment 7, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £107,452
1 June 2017 Apartment 6, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,158
1 June 2017 Apartment 5, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,158
1 June 2017 Apartment 10, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,158
1 June 2017 Apartment 2, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,245
1 June 2017 Apartment 9, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,017
1 June 2017 Apartment 12, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,519
1 June 2017 Apartment 14, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,607
1 June 2017 Apartment 26, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,828
1 June 2017 Apartment 25, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,975
1 June 2017 Apartment 24, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £116,528
1 June 2017 Apartment 31, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £136,255
1 June 2017 Apartment 33, Cawood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,375
3 May 2017 Apartment 6, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,541
26 April 2017 Apartment 7, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £116,334
26 April 2017 Apartment 20, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,681
26 April 2017 Apartment 21, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,681
26 April 2017 Apartment 25, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,681
26 April 2017 Apartment 30, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,787
26 April 2017 Apartment 22, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £126,416
26 April 2017 Apartment 23, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £161,939
26 April 2017 Apartment 24, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £153,687
26 April 2017 Apartment 26, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,681
26 April 2017 Apartment 27, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £131,131
26 April 2017 Apartment 28, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £143,667
26 April 2017 Apartment 29, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £166,065
26 April 2017 Apartment 31, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,522
26 April 2017 Apartment 32, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £105,787
26 April 2017 Apartment 33, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £156,045
26 April 2017 Apartment 34, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £147,793
26 April 2017 Apartment 3, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £149,909
26 April 2017 Apartment 8, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £147,656
21 April 2017 Apartment 9, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £155,524
21 April 2017 Apartment 13, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £169,180
21 April 2017 Apartment 14, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £161,498
21 April 2017 Apartment 15, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,583
21 April 2017 Apartment 16, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,710
21 April 2017 Apartment 17, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,586
21 April 2017 Apartment 18, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £169,753
21 April 2017 Apartment 19, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £172,480
21 April 2017 Apartment 1, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,423
21 April 2017 Apartment 4, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £152,812
21 April 2017 Apartment 5, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,920
21 April 2017 Apartment 10, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,821
21 April 2017 Apartment 11, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £134,753
21 April 2017 Apartment 12, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,821
21 April 2017 Apartment 2, Pear House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £115,716
21 February 2017 Hazelwood House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £3,000,000
1 February 2017 Apartment 6, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,554
31 January 2017 Apartment 45, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £116,515
30 January 2017 Apartment 16, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £111,291
30 January 2017 Apartment 15, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £113,012
30 January 2017 Apartment 46, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £131,044
30 January 2017 Apartment 8, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £111,610
30 January 2017 Apartment 4, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Flat/apartment Leasehold £122,094
30 January 2017 Apartment 26, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,448
30 January 2017 Apartment 41, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,428
30 January 2017 Apartment 40, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,123
30 January 2017 Apartment 39, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £108,428
30 January 2017 Apartment 36, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £132,388
30 January 2017 Apartment 35, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,711
30 January 2017 Apartment 34, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £130,372
30 January 2017 Apartment 3, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,012
30 January 2017 Apartment 37, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,687
30 January 2017 Apartment 38, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,687
30 January 2017 Apartment 33, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,645
30 January 2017 Apartment 13, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £113,012
30 January 2017 Apartment 12, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,145
30 January 2017 Apartment 11, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £104,458
30 January 2017 Apartment 10, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £103,849
30 January 2017 Apartment 9, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £104,931
30 January 2017 Apartment 7, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £104,391
30 January 2017 Apartment 5, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £106,556
30 January 2017 Apartment 32, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,950
30 January 2017 Apartment 31, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,263
30 January 2017 Apartment 30, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,808
30 January 2017 Apartment 29, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,645
30 January 2017 Apartment 28, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,449
30 January 2017 Apartment 27, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,448
30 January 2017 Apartment 14, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,291
30 January 2017 Apartment 25, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £119,126
30 January 2017 Apartment 24, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £114,187
30 January 2017 Apartment 23, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,448
30 January 2017 Apartment 22, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £112,448
30 January 2017 Apartment 21, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £127,401
30 January 2017 Apartment 2, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £110,718
30 January 2017 Apartment 1, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £111,291
30 January 2017 Apartment 19, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,808
30 January 2017 Apartment 18, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £133,263
30 January 2017 Apartment 17, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £120,645
30 January 2017 Apartment 44, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £117,711
30 January 2017 Apartment 43, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £109,557
30 January 2017 Apartment 42, Apple House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Leasehold £118,608
14 November 2016 Vita Student, Knavesmire House, Lawrence Street, York YO10 3FT Other property type Freehold £7,795,800

Key to property sale icons:

First sale of newbuild property. This includes new properties created from existing properties, such as residential conversions of commercial or agricultural property, or subdivision of a larger residential property.
Subsequent sale of existing property.
Standard sale at market value to private individual.
Additional (non-standard) sale. This includes repossessions, buy-to-lets and transfers of property sold to non-private individuals.

Elected Representatives for YO10 3FT

United Kingdom Parliament

York Central


Rachael Maskell Labour/Co-operative

City of York Council
Unitary Authority ward (UTW)



Conrad Whitcroft Labour

Sarah Wilson Labour

Elected representative data is updated approximately monthly, so may not include recent by-elections or vacancies.

Government Statistical Services (GSS) data for YO10 3FT

CodeNameData TypeData ThemeActive SinceData Owner
E00067455 Output Areas Statistical Building Block 1 January 2009 ONS
E00185510 Output Areas Statistical Building Block 21 March 2021 ONS
E01013363 York 019D Lower layer Super Output Areas Statistical Building Block 1 February 2004 ONS
E02002790 York 019 Middle layer Super Output Areas Statistical Building Block 1 August 2004 ONS
E05010316 Fishergate Electoral Wards/Divisions Administrative/Electoral 7 May 2015 DLUHC
E06000014 York Unitary Authorities Administrative 1 January 2009 DLUHC
E12000003 Yorkshire and The Humber Regions Administrative 1 January 2009 DLUHC
E14001604 York Central Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies Electoral 4 July 2024 LGBC
E23000009 North Yorkshire Police Force Areas Other 1 January 2009 Home Office
E30000294 York Travel to Work Areas Other 31 July 2015 ONS
E33013344 Workplace Zones Census 31 December 2011 ONS
E37000058 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnerships Other 1 April 2020 BEIS
E38000188 NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB - 03Q Sub Integrated Care Board Locations Health 1 July 2022 ODS
E40000012 North East and Yorkshire NHS England Regions Health 1 July 2022 ODS
E43000013 York, unparished area Non-Civil Parished Areas Census 31 December 2011 ONS
E54000051 Humber, Coast and Vale Integrated Care Boards Health 31 March 2020 NHS
E56000026 Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliances Health 1 April 2020 NHS England
E63000615 York Built Up Areas Census 1 December 2022 OS
E65000001 England Non-National Park Area England Non-National Park Area Census 27 February 2023 ONS
E92000001 England Country Administrative 1 January 2009 ONS

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

The UK Postcode Database is a Good Stuff website.

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